
Showing posts from September, 2017

The always on Law Firm

 Earning whilst you sleep sounds too good to be true – unless your a partner at a large law firm with juniors working all hours. But even for sole practitioners and small firms earning its not just an impossible dream. Websites with engaging, informative tools and content can deliver useful marketing and client engagement 24/7. Coming in to the office on a Monday morning to find sometimes 8 or 10 instructions from new clients via the website during the weekend was always particularly satisfying and a great motivational start for the week. As was reviewing the self-help logs to see which clients had asked questions at all hours, had tailored or personalised information returned to them in real-time, which they could then rate for quality and service. This was overwhelmingly positive, as having answers at the time of the question and not having to wait removes cognitive load. Cognitive load on clients, and the value they place on having this reduc